High school students workshop – Enfants du Mekong, Sisophon

Today, we ran our one-day “Money Starters” workshop for Enfants du Mekong’s Grade 12 students in Sisophon, Cambodia. The workshop focuses on simple money management tools, but also the psychology of spending, how to take better decisions and ethics.

Choosing why money matters to us.

Choosing is not easy!

Sothea’s case: what happens when we don’t keep track of what we spend.

Analysing Sothea’s notebook: what he really spent.

Choosing expenses in order to stay within income and pay back debt

Understanding how borrowing today impacts tomorrow’s expenses.

Good and bad pieces of advice on shopping wisely

How our brain works when we choose  and take decisions

Ethical cases and the impact of money on relationships with family and friends

What it means to be “wealthy” : wealth also includes non-material assets

Before wrapping up the day, we also covered how to support the family once students have an income.

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