The day began with a training with young people facilitated by John, one of the trainers participating in these five-day training, and by Jean-Michel, from APPEC, a+b=3’s partner in DR Congo. The young people set up and managed a small shop and proved to be excellent salespeople. One young girl even decided to go and sell her products to the other trainers who sat and observed, instead of waiting for them to come to her shop. Young people said they enjoyed the game, and learned how to calculate profit.
The training of trainers continued with the last practical sessions. It was encouraging to note that the last two groups to practise today were much more comfortable than the first ones who facilitated yesterday morning, and that they took into account the remarks made to the previous groups.
The participants then discovered two examples of participatory activities related to setting-up of a micro-business (looking for an idea, and setting the selling price). Finally, we reviewed all the key concepts to solidify understanding (account keeping, fixed/variable costs, calculation of profit, remuneration of the entrepreneur, cash forecast, calculation of starting capital, etc.).
Next step: adaptation of training with the support of a+b=3 then training of young people!

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