You want to build your own or your staff’s capacity in finance and entrepreneurship.

Financially literate NGO staff can make an even bigger difference. When they facilitate a programme on nutrition, they can include food budgeting, ensuring that families will prioritise their expenses and keep enough money for food. When they identify that gender-based violence often starts with an argument about money, they can add workshops on communication about money. When they visit financially vulnerable families, they can help them do a budget. They can help prevent over-indebtedness and family crises.  

To do so, NGO staff needs skills, knowledge and confidence. But, often, they do not manage their own money and have limited or no experience in setting up or running a business (even if they run programmes promoting entrepreneurship). They have limited time. They may not want to open up about finance in front of their colleagues. They also have different levels of knowledge and skills. 

Our flagship training courses are available online and can help your organisation make a even greater impact.

  • Budget: how to manage expenses and save, whether your target groups earn a daily, a monthly or a yearly income.
  • Business: how to start and manage a small business.
  • Bookkeeeping: how to to keep accounts of a small business
  • Money: how money interconnects us all – someone’s expense is someone else’s income. 

What will you learn? 

  • Practical sheets to refresh/consolidate your knowledge on the course topic. 
  • Quizzes to test your understanding. 
  • Live video session to find out how to facilitate our training and adapt it to your beneficiaries
  • Trainers’ guide and training materials to download.
  • Participants get a certificate upon successful completion of each course. 
  • The environmental impact is much lower than a face-to-face course. 
-1.55 MgCO² 

Online training environmental impact (*) 

(*) from TalentLMS our online LMS provider