Youth workshop on entrepreneurship in Cebu, Philippines

On November 30th, Enfants du Mekong- Entrepreneurs, in Cebu (Philippines) ran a one day session on budget; this workshop is part of a three month programme aiming to empower vulnerable youth set up a social enterprise. Using the training examples available on a+b=3’s online platform and adapting some to the Cebu context, the participants reflected on how to set up prices, practised calculating the profitability of a project and its break-even, then how much cash they needed to start a business and where to find the money. They also had time to think and fine-tune their own business projects with what they had just learned.

Rachel (Enfants du Mekong- Entrepreneurs) commented the day: “Everyone has learned a lot and had fun; the visitors congratulated us for the session. We are looking forward to organising the next one!

setting up prices

Profitability calculation

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