Money Basics – Financial Literacy Training for PFI Hog Raisers (Philippines)

On June 29 and 30, EdM-entrepreneurs ran a two-day Financial Literacy training for hog raisers of Pagtambayayong: A Foundation for Mutual Fund Inc (Philippines) using a+b=3′ “Money Basics” programme.

Roxanne explains why the training worked very well: “The success of this training is due primarily to your simplified version of training materials that our participants easily connect to. Coupled with my profound knowledge on the culture especially on money mismanagement of these type of participants from the grassroots level, the training proved to be very valuable to our audience. Indeed, the scenarios portrayed in your training materials serve to depict what’s currently happening that which participants (who were around 25-30 in number) appreciate so much as they are able to put themselves in the shoes of the characters in your stories. Again, thank you so much for the very huge help in structuring the modules and for sharing your materials! As I now have firsthand experience on utilizing these materials in an intensive 2-day training, I can see how effective is your organization in promoting and spreading financial education programs in various places of the globe.

Roxanne summarised beautifully what a+b=3 is about: sharing our respective knowledge and experience: NGO staff’s, ours and participants’ in order to improve lives. Learning and teaching are a mutual effort from all stakeholders.

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