Workshop for PHARE (3), Siem Reap

On July 6, Saorn (Director and Senior trainer at VBNK, our Cambodian partner) went back to Siem Reap to facilitate the second part of the financial literacy programme for PHARE and Salabai staffs, sponsored by ANZ.

In this follow up workshop, participants reviewed workshop 1 and shared what they have implemented.

They identified ways to manage “tricky” expenses – we all have different ones, so they first selected what expense was difficult for them to manage.

Money management is not an individual endeavour: money is a social tool so our programmes put money into a wider context. For instance, how to support family in a sustainable way is a very important topic to discuss.

Participants also reflected on various practical cases raising ethical questions, cases where our dealings with money can potentially harm others.

We then looked at raising financially responsible children and how the way we manage money sends messages to children (and not always messages we’d like to send!).

The workshop ended with a practical case: how to finance a big purchase, where participants could use all the tools and knowledge gained during the two workshops.

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