Coffee Farmers Training the Trainers

In collaboration with EDC, our partner in Laos, Outspan has invited us to run a five day training the trainers to help coffee farmers manage their yearly income and household expenses. On the Bolaven Plateau, coffee is the farmers’ main or only source of income and making last one income to cover 12 months of expenses is challenging. The training also aims to encourage a better cooperation between spouses on family budgeting and financial decisions.
Today was our first day of training Outspan’s technical staff and Paksong Lao Women Union. After an introduction on problems and solutions, we focused on the first part of the training for farmers: prioritise, plan and record. The participants experienced the training as farmers. We ended the day preparing tomorrow’s practice session.
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1 thought on “Coffee Farmers Training the Trainers

  1. buakhai Reply

    It looks so much fun as usual in your training, Sophie! All the best for the remaining of the training.

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