ESUP Dakar – presentation
Today ESUP Dakar invited a + b = 3 to give a one-hour presentation on money management for a hundred undergraduate students. For most of them, this is the first …
Today ESUP Dakar invited a + b = 3 to give a one-hour presentation on money management for a hundred undergraduate students. For most of them, this is the first …
Sitor Ndour, the general director of 2IM – Institut International de Management – in Dakar invited Sophie (a+b=3) to deliver a speech at 2IM’s graduation party, in the presence of …
For our very first training workshops in Senegal on money management, we were first welcomed by the Amadou Deme Foundation in Dakar. The core content of the workshop was spending …
After the three days of training of trainers, four trainers facilitated the first session of the family budgeting programme with beneficiaries in the village of Koalmo. Participants discussed spending priorities …
3rd day of our training the trainers with Save the Children Burkina. After working on the implementation plan, participants prepared and practised facilitating the three sessions of the (still to …
2nd day of our training of trainers with Save the Children Burkina. After reviewing the main learning points of the previous day and discovering some other examples of training (food …
After the projects with Save the Children Nepal and India (Rajasthan), the Burkina Faso team invited a + b = 3 to design and localise a family budgeting training for …