ICS Family Budgeting – pilot in rural community

Today, we were off to the field: we started by visiting ICS office in Kakamega then headed to a village at around 45 minutes drive from Kakamega to test the first module of the family budgeting programme with a group of 22 farmers.

the TOT participants in ICS office

Christine (ICS Africa) and Sophie (a+b=3)

The farmers who attended the family budgeting first module pilot.

After the introduction, the session started with a song.

The session on goal setting was followed by a story…
…and the “chachu” Khmer energizer.

prioritising expenses



After Samwel and Maureen, today’s facilitators, wrapped up the key messages, one of the farmers invited us to share lunch in her house.

Pheak, ICS Cambodia, and three farmers

Debrief of the pilot

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