This Life Cambodia – Financial Education in Rural Cambodia

In September 2010, This Life Cambodia (TLC ( conducted a training on money management in Krabei Riel Community (Siem Reap Province) following a+b=3’s training the trainers and thanks to Barclays Bank funding.
End of July, TLC used the Participatory Rural Appraisal technique to analyse the local problems, root cause and find solutions. One major problem in the target group was that villagers don’t have enough money to send their children to school.
TLC’s trainers adapted a+b=3’s material, especially the case story and the pictures, and ran two short sessions on income and expenses, and the difference between needs and wants. 18 villagers and housewives attended. Participants found the training useful and enjoyable. It also made them re-think about what expenses they consider needs. For example, after the training, they thought that the phone was not a need except perhaps if they have a business. Various situations were discussed, like the level of phone expenses.
Participants asked for more similar training.










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