Training of Trainers – Phnom Penh

Announcement: Training of Trainers – 15 to 16 August 2024 (Phnom Penh) – Helping families with money problems Learn how to facilitate a training on business and money management Day …

SAHI Training of Trainers

Saving for back-to-school expenses

The last pair of participants of SAHI Training-of-Trainers workshop practised training this morning. They made their beauty salon business example even more realistic by bringing real shampoo bottles, conditioners and …

living off a small business

Financial and economic empathy

One day training on financial and economic empathy with Enfants du Mekong’s staff in Paris. Enfants du Mekong has been using our family budget, students and small business training programmes …

family budget

Family budget with allowances

Pilot training on family budget in Marseille with a group of adults in professional transition living on allowances. After a first game on problems and solutions, the participants themselves chose …