Students’ workshops in Phnom Penh

The French charity, Enfants du Mekong, invited a+b=3 to run several workshops about money management and business in their Centre in Phnom Penh. Enfants du Mekong and a+b=3 have been regularly working together since 2007 on raising financial literacy in Cambodia and also ran a pilot workshop in the Philippines.

Two workshops on how to manage money were attended by Year 1 students: we started with how to get an income, then moved to how to spend wisely and control expenses. Good habits start early so each student wrote her/his own budget and planned how (s)he could manage her/his food and studies allowance at best to save for the future, even a little, and students also learned about how to avoid debt and what interest is about, and learned practical tips on how to follow one’s budget through using envelopes and/or bank account.

In another workshop, we introduced what to do to start a business: from checking what qualities a business person should have, finding business ideas, assessing the risks and opportunities, understanding the importance of writing a business plan, and a few exercises on calculating a profit and cash flow.

How to get a job

Reviewing needs and wants

Spending money
calculating a budget

Business training

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