Sao Sary Foundation

Today, I visited Sao Sary Foundation – whose education officer attended our level 1 Training the Trainers last March. They are based in Kompong Speu Province (50 km South of Phnom Penh) and help children who are victims of abuse or trafficking. In many cases, the extreme poverty linked to drinking triggers violence within the families. Many children are also pulled out of school by their parents to work. Debt is endemic- and at 30% daily interest, families can barely pay the interest, let alone pay back the loan – this is financial slavery…
Sao Sary would like to intregrate financial literacy in their existing livelihood programmes for families, beside income generation programmes, and also include it in the social education they deliver to children. We discussed of ways to do it.

English lesson at SSF training centre

income generation idea: children make purses and bags with plastic

SSF office in Chbarmorn City – Kompong Speu Province

children at SSF Centre
children who just arrived to the Centre after a long ride to attend the English lessons

With only 8% of people who drink filtered water in this province, building water filters and giving them to families are one of SSF’s priorities

slums in Kompong Speu – people don’t have land and try to earn a living by weaving baskets

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