Training the Trainers – Financial Literacy for vulnerable families – Day 1

Today was the first day of our Training the Trainers: “how to help financially vulnerable families”, co-facilitated with VBNK, our Cambodian partner.
After the introduction, participants changed role and became community families and experienced our programme on basic financial skills such as planning for yearly expenses, the issues with debt, keeping track, prioritising and controlling expenses, how and where to save.

VBNK training room with colourful ground rules

Choosing a goal

Introducing ourselves

Case 1: trying to understand how we spend… when we don’t track: mission impossible!

training material samples

Analysing an income and expense notebook
and identifying how we could manage money differently

Good and bad ways to get out of debt

planning and prioritising expenses and income in order to get out of debt

practising saving for yearly expenses

In order to plan, we need to get organised…

…and that’s not that easy!

Good and bad tips on spending

Where can we save?

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