Third and last day of our Training the Trainers: participants changed role again and experienced more training examples that they can use with communities and very low income families. Today, we focused on money management within the family including communication and how to take big decisions, and how money impacts other community members, including ethics.
more planning ahead |
budgeting without numbers |
prioritising expenses when an emergency occurs |
identifying ways to improve a family’s situation |
using our creativity |
facts or judgments: improving communication about money between spouses |
role-plays on communication about money |
planning a big purchase |
and comparing various financing options |
how today’s decisions impact tomorrow, and how our individuals decisions impact others |
more on debts |
small business bookkeeping and simple profit calculation |
ethical cases |
A huge thank you to Sokunthea (VBNK) for her co-facilitation and for the active participation of all participants! |