Enfants du Mekong 2016 Job Hunting Seminar, Manila and Cebu

Enfants du Mekong included financial education in their job hunting seminar in April for freshly graduated students: getting a job is important… managing a first salary, too!

Here is Claire’s feedback who facilitated the workshop that she downloaded from a+b=3’s “Money Starters” platform.
The training format is excellent and really easy to use. The trainers’ guide is clear and precise enough. The activities flow well and are relevant to this target group.
I was afraid at first that the activities would be too easy for “fresh graduated” but in fact most young people were not comfortable with the numbers and the concept of budget. They were really interested in the documents and were eager to spend time to “analyze” the expenses in “Edward’s story” and (…) think about spending commitments, debt and spending limit. For the activity “Money is not all”, I asked students to play the scene as skits and guess the key message for each skit. Youth loved i and showed great creativity. (…)
Overall, I think that young people have enjoyed the training and retained the idea to plan and record their expenses. They also discussed and thought about the link between making money and sharing it with their families. I’m unfortunately not sure they feel ready to budget. That is why this training is so important and makes sense if conducted over several years with the same young people with a progression and continuity.”

The Manila students found the training “very interesting” (19 out of 23) and “inspiring, helpful” (4 out of 23).

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