Accounting for micro businesses in Indonesia

In April, Arnaud, volunteering for Planete Urgence, ran a series of seven workshops on bookkeeping to help women who manage very small businesses improve their bookkeeping and get a better idea on their profit and cash and how to improve both. these women are part of Yayasan Mangrove Lestari, a local NGO based in East Borneo and supported by Planete Urgence Indonesia.
Arnaud contacted a+b=3 a month before his mission and we worked on adapting and localising our module on bookkeeping and finance for micro-businesses. The story (and all the cases) was a fish Crackers (Krupuk ikan) small business and covered basic bookkeeping, cash reconciliation, calculating a profit, planning and managing cash and business ethics. One topic that participants especially found useful was family relationships and business, and how to ask family members to pay if they buy their products.
To wrap up the course, in the last session, Arnaud asked the participants to go through another business example (fried shrimps) to calculate costs and profit and cash.
This is the third time Planete Urgence’s volunteers and a+b=3 work together in Indonesia.