Half day workshop on financial literacy – Phnom Penh

Children of Asia in Phnom Penh invited a+b=3 to run a half day workshop on money management last Sunday (19 March). We focused on four objectives:

  • Students manage their money pro-actively to stay within their parents’ allowance and/or the allowance from the organisation that supports them.
  • They share good money management habits with their family.
  • They start saving for future goals, even if a minimal amount.
  • They use critical thinking.
Some students’ comments:
“Good program, teaching and explanations were good; very active teacher who makes it easy to understand.”
“The training is good because it includes practice sessions.”
“According to this half day training, I have an idea that managing money is very important, because if we don’t manage it well, we will waste our money.”
Thank you to Saorn for facilitating this workshop and dedication to students, and for Children of Asia for inviting us and students for being great learners.

The instructions and material can be downloaded from our online platform.
Money is about choices: we choose all the time – example of morning rountine.

How to set priorities when the alarm rang late and we have little time!

understanding the consequences of not managing money and the benefits of tracking

practising budgeting… and smiling!

then writing their own budget

Money is about trust between people – ethical cases

Wise spending pieces of advice

Well done Enfants d’Asie class of 2017 and thank you to Saorn who facilitated the workshop (and took the photos)

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