Money management – coffee farmers in the Philippines

Lenlen, Enrich Hong Kong Senior Advisor, conducted a one-day workshop with coffee farmers in Atok, Benguet (Philippines). After the introduction to help participants open up and speak about money issues (never easy), participants practised prioritising first through a game on morning tasks, then with expenses, a tough  but very important exercise. Re-prioritising to save for an emergency and a yearly expense was a revelation for many participants who struggle to manage an irregular income from their farming activity.  Then participants mapped their  expenses and income and sorting out what expenses are personal and for their business: a much needed (but tough) exercise as without tracking and knowing whether their main business is profitable or not, it is very hard to manage money and plan.  Participants discussed how to improve their profit, then how to manage personal expenses and deal with social pressure.
Participants were grateful for the participatory training and opportunity to brainstorm on issues they do not often discuss, but solutions are not easy to find.

ready to start!

practising priorities
practising prioritising (and re-prioritising) expenses
mapping expenses and incomes
Thanks to all participants and Lenlen

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