Passerelles Numeriques – Philippines – graduation

Last session and graduation for the Passerelles Numeriques – Philippines students.

Here is what PNP’s team wrote: “Our students in the #Philippines once again concluded another Developmental Activity. Unlike other usual DAs, the topic on #FinancialManagement lasted throughout the duration of PN Phils Class 2018’s scholarship, two and a half years.

The first and second year of the course was done online while the last part was done through face to face interaction. The combined approach (online + face to face) aimed to give more opportunities for them to learn more and practice budgeting consistently.
The said DA was designed to train the students on how to manage their finances in a sustainable way. The topic was very timely for them as they are currently having their on-the-job training or #internship and will soon be entering the official workforce after their graduation on April.
The students were glad to receive their certificates after they finally completed their #Financial #Management training for over 2.5 years.
With this, we would like to extend our warm gratitude to Miss Sophie Paine, Managing Director of a and b make 3 for designing the training modules!”

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