Training of Trainers in Eden Prairie with PROP (MN, USA)

Yesterday, we ran a four-hour Training the Trainers with PROP case managers and family services specialists in Eden Prairie, MN. As families in financial crisis come to see them for help, the social workers wanted to get more practical tools on how to support them, especially between crises, so that families become more financially resilient. Our TOT focused on problem-solving and how to address the hurdles preventing families to better manage money (a critical skill when income is scarce and/or irregular). We ended the day with some insights on Islam and money to better understand Somali families.
Matching solutions to problems

Matching financial issues and solutions

Priorities game

Priorities game: building confidence by starting with a familiar exercise

Priorities game
budget game US

Budgeting game: what is striking is the long list of expenses living in a developed city.

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