Training the Trainers – Coffee farmers – Day 5

Fifth and last day of our training the trainers for Outspan and Paksong Lao Women Union staff with EDC. Somchay, EDC managing partner and facilitator, as well as three facilitators, facilitated the morning session with a group of 22 coffee farmers. In the afternoon, facilitators analysed what went well and what could be improved in their facilitation skills and we did a budget exercise.
Coffee farmers trainingCoffee Farmers training - using storypaying back debts Paying back debtsPaying back debtsManaging a big purchaseCoffee farmers trainingFarm and Family expensesFarm and Family expenseso Impact of debtsManaging a big purchaseOutspan Farmers training Trainnig the Trainers - Chinese whispers gameTrainnig the Trainers - Chinese whispers gameTraining the Trainers - analysing facilitationbudgetOutspan Training the Trainers

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