Training of Trainers – APPEC Kinshasa – day 2

Second day of our training the trainers with APPEC in Kinshasa. After reviewing yesterday’s main points, we talked about debts and their impact. This allowed us to review how to calculate a  budget,  understand the difference between commitments and other expenses, and look at an example of a daily spending limit. Participants also reflected on how to relax without spending money.
Participants then discovered examples of a training programme for young adults: starting with time management and priorities, they then worked on the case of a student who mismanaged her money, what she can do to manage the little money she has left (and thus budgeting the remaining expenses till her parents’ next transfer) and how asking others for money can affect them.
The day ended with an example of a micro-enterprise making soaps: through this example, participants understood why separate business expenses from personal or family ones, they calculated a profit, then a cost price and how many products to sell in order to cover fixed costs (breakeven point).
TOT Kinshasa 2019 - centre de formation FOLECO TOT Kinshasa jour 2 TOT Kinshasa jour 2  TOT Kinshasa jour 2  TOT Kinshasa jour 2 TOT Kinshasa jour 2TOT Kinshasa jour 2

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