Since November 2024, money management training for Enfants du Mékong students in Cambodia has resumed at the Dr. Christophe Mérieux Center (Phnom Penh). Students in their first, second, and final years follow the programme designed in 2012 and revised in 2024 by a+b=3, in partnership with Enfants du Mékong. This programme was developed to best meet the students’ realities (managing daily expenses, then their rent in year 2, the purchase of a laptop, managing a first salary, including supporting parents and family) while encouraging students to reflect on the place of money in their lives and the ethical issues associated with it.
The training sessions are facilitated by Rada, an Enfants du Mékong former student who has secured a job in the IT field. He devotes all his energy and skills to helping students through these training sessions, with the assistance of Navy, the center’s accountant. Enfants du Mékong volunteers handle the logistics of the training sessions, including printing and organisation.
Enfants du Mékong trainers who participated in our training of trainers in August 2024 have also begun leading training sessions for high school and college students in other cities (Preah Vhear, Samrong, Sisophon, Battambang, Banteay Chhmar, etc.).
Finally, training is underway for the 100 families of the Mérieux project living in Phnom Penh, in small groups, with each group attending two sessions by the end of June. The goal is to raise parents’ awareness of debt management, a pressing issue in Cambodia. Enfants du Mékong plans to assess their actual understanding of the messages after the training sessions.

training for families: