Piloting training with families

After designing a first training workshop on family budgeting, Save the Children Dungarpur team facilitated it for the first time with a group of women and a man this morning. …

Training the trainers – Save the Children India

After localising a basic workshop on family budgeting which will be part of the social protection parenting programme in Dungarpur, Rajasthan, we practised with facilitators today. Facilitators experienced the training …

Introduction to financial education

Short introduction on financial education with Save the Children Dungarpur (Rajasthan) ‘s team and partners. Problems and solutions Financial problems and solutions: needs assessment is very important to address the …

Save the Children – Nepal

After adapting a basic workshop for families for Save the Children Nepal, today the team practised facilitating it before tomorrow’s pilot. Introduction: how today’s choices impact tomorrow. Allocating our income… …