Workshop – year 2 – IKTMC

Second year training at IKTMC for CDF project. The morning workshop with students was followed by a session for mentors on how youth learn about money, our role as adult, …

Primary school students – Hong Kong

Short workshop with a group of IDPMPS’ students (Hong Kong): we focused on planning and budgeting skills, taking a simple example: a birthday. This was also an opportunity to work …

TOT – Level 1 – Cebu Day 2

Today, participants facilitated the programme for students that we ran yesterday. Why money matters? Budgeting shopping game Necessary expenses Wrap up module 1 Poster in local restaurant door of the …

Wrap up workshop

Wrap up workshop with ITKMC students enrolled in the CDF project.  Through a story, we reviewed the main values and do’s and don’ts of finance from an Islamic perspective. Students …